Motivational Memes are nothing new, people have been sharing stirring quotes and bitesize wisdom for thousands of years but the internet has given them wings and now our social media timelines are full of them.
Follow your dreams and the money will find you.
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.
Think big, trust yourself and make it happen.
We’ve all read plenty of them and yet here we are. The ones that are shared the most invariably contain two or three core concepts such as the importance of aiming high, courage, not giving up, a willingness to take risks, following your dreams, setting goals and not letting anyone tell you can’t do it.
Most of us already know these things are important so why don’t we act when we read them?
We should, afterall the messages contained in the memes themselves are invariably correct and true, what’s more they are written in a way that expresses this tuth in a neat and compelling way.
In this session we’re going to look at why they appear to work (but actually don’t) and how we can turn them into something that REALLY does work and can change our lives.
You coming?